Seeking to solve the mystery of Harsen's poisoning, the duo meet and question neighborhood residents Dewey Smith and Kermit Rawes. Although not particularly cooperative, Rawes eventually points them towards the residences of two shady local fishermen previously mentioned by Doctor Bloom -- Harris Jakes and Sandy Lanier.
Finding the fishermen out to sea, Slayhab and Blackcloud wait for Jakes and Lanier to return home from fishing whereupon they confront the big, mean, hybrid-looking characters.
Refusing to answer questions, Jakes draws a large Bowie knife and attacks Blackcloud, striking a fatal blow. Dodging knife attacks, fists, and claws, Slayhab is somehow able to spear one fisherman and then the other with his harpoon. Slayhab then proceeds to drag his friend's blood-covered body from the scene.
At that moment, Constable Nathan Birch arrives with two deputies and pronounces Slayhab under arrest for murder. Slayhab resists, punching out Birch who drops his shotgun. Slayhab quickly grabs the gun and kills the two deputies.
With all the commotion and gunfire, denizens of the Harbor's rundown, shuttered houses begin pouring into the streets in numbers, making gutteral cries, and shambling towards the scene. As they see the dead bodies, they begin howling and eye Capt. Slayhab with evil intent. Several of these local residents look decidedly subhuman and very menacing.Slayhab, thinking fast, commandeers Birch's police car, deposits Blackcloud's lifeless body into the back seat, and jumps into the driver seat as the Harbor residents close in and begin to encircle the vehicle. Thankfully the police car is running with keys in the ignition. Slayhab hits the gas and begins driving like a maniac with shotgun pointed out the window. Mostly using the car as a weapon to run people over, Slayhab kills five more harbor residents / hybrids before finally breaking clear and speeding away towards Rowley hospital, thankful to have escaped with his life....